Quick SVG Conversion With Inkscape

If, like me you like to keep private projects ‘private’ until your ready to release them into the ‘wild’ then you’ll want to keep those branding icons & logos under-wraps. Converting more than one or two online without leaving your machine can be a pain. Not saying we can’t trust online conversion sites who promise that they delete all uploads after the process; and i do believe they do after all it is their web space and resource being eaten up. But i still dont really like disclosing that resource to a 3rd party, which they are. If those resources belong to your client, and your at the pre-release stage,  then even more reason to keep them under-wraps. Here’s what i do to keep things all ‘in-house’.

Migrating Subsites Between Multisites

Have you ever been surprised at how little ‘catered-for’ Multisites are. MU’s have been around for ages and form the infrastructure of WordPress.com hosted service. The number of blogs (sites) on WP.com must be in the high millions. Remarkably WP.com  run a multisite, albeit with cool software like ‘HyperDB’ for distributing all those sites across multiple databases. However little seems to have changed since the early concept of WP ‘networked’ was ‘dreamt-up’. When i first encountered MU (Multis) as they were called, especially the database arrangement i thought this looks like a recipe for sheer carnage. All those blog tables in the SAME DB whaaat! But if your here now you’ll know Multisites are rock solid and it all works and very well too.

How to Speed-up Laragon

Laragon does many things really well which is why i prefer it over ‘Local for Flywheel’ and newer WAMP servers. Just recently my installation began getting slower and slower to the point were navigating the WP admin would take for ever. Yes i knew Laragon was the issue but then remembered its not solely responsible for the performance. Your ‘host’ OS may not play nicely with all the stuff your doing in your hosted OS i.e. Apache. Note: restart Laragon after each process to see if you notice any change in performance –  perform similar steps that highlighted the issue in the first place. If no change move on to the next …

A Custom Semantic Versioning Scheme

If you’ve used any of my applications you may have noticed a ‘cryptic’ versioning convention I’ve adopted. As a rule i try to keep personal opinion separate from my development stuff. Yes, i have an app dedicated to highlighting the history of black inventors. Well that’s my prerogative its not just personal anymore its a world-wide movement and not just societal. So my BHM Too app is an exception i embrace and to hell with ‘own rules’.

My Custom GIT & Staging Workflow

I first encountered version control in Dreamweaver a good  many years ago and always planned to use it productively but never quite did. It wasn’t distributed VCS like GIT but old school; check-in; check-out jiggery-pokery. When i did decide to take the plunge it was with Bitbucket and ‘Smartgit’ GUI.  Each time i had to query something ‘Git’ related I’d pop over to Stack-overflow and find myself swamped with answers that always assumed you were going commando (command-line).